You are in the DIET mood? and trying to avoid fried food? Why don't you try my simple sea bass steamed. It is good for your diet, and most important is NO OIL will be use in this recipe. Absolutely you will love it. Simple... Easy to find ingredients... and Cheat process!! hahaha...
Cheat process?? What I mean by cheat process?? I'm lazy to search for steamer. What I have is just a pan for this recipe. Can I cook this recipe with just a pan? Of course you can!! Just give a try and you will throw your steamer later... hahaha..
First, go and find your ingredients now.
1 Sea Bass fish
2 Lemongrass (1 chopped, 1 smash!!!)
2 garlic (smash it!!)
1 big onion (chopped)
3 cup water
1 cube chicken stock
1/2 squeezed lemon
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp cornflour
Have you get all the ingredients? If yes lets start with the process ;D
First get your pan, yes pan, just pan ok.
Add water, chicken stock, garlic, and lemongrass.
Let it boiling.
Then add the cleaned and slit fish.
Continue add with the big onion, squeezed lemon, salt and sugar.
Then add on cornflour
Ok, now let boiling again until the fish complete cook.
Once ready you can transfer it in the plate and eat them!!! ngap ngap ngap!!!
Easy right? Just with the pan.. haha.. enjoy!!!!
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